Planned merger of Kangamiut Seafood, DanSea Nordic, and Northcoast Seafoods


The Kangamiut Group A/S aims to merge our three subsidiaries, Kangamiut Seafood A/S, DanSea Nordic A/S, and Northcoast Seafoods A/S as per 1 January 2025, continuing forward under the name Kangamiut Seafood A/S.


The merger is planned as part of a carefully designed generational transition and aims to harvest synergies between the three Kangamiut Group subsidiaries; to strengthen our ability to meet continuously increasing regulatory and customer demands; to ensure resilience in a changing global environment; and to create a single strong entity for future seafood partnerships.




Until the transaction is formally approved and completed, the merging subsidiaries will continue to operate as legally independent and separate entities.


Office locations


Kangamiut Seafood A/S will continue to operate from Dronninglund (Head Office) and Farum (home office of the current DanSea Nordic A/S), Denmark.

Management & organization

The new Kangamiut Seafood A/S will be headed by CEO Rasmus Grønborg Bak supported by a strong management group.


The CEO’s of Northcoast Seafoods A/S and DanSea Nordic A/S, Nicholai Karlshøj and Mikael Møller Sørensen, respectively, will both continue as Vice Presidents in the new Kangamiut Seafood A/S.


Ulrik Bjerre Rasmussen will continue in his role as CEO of the Kangamiut Group A/S.


Subsidiaries and associates under Kangamiut Seafood A/S (North Atlantic Seafood A/S) and Northcoast Seafoods A/S (Læsø Choice A/S and Antartic Seafood S.A.) will all continue as separate entities under the new Kangamiut Seafood A/S upon completion of the merger.


Picture from left to right:

Mikael Møller Sørensen, Nicholai Karlshøj, and Rasmus Grønborg Bak

“In Kangamiut Seafood we are experts in global partnerships within seafood, thanks to our profound product knowledge, reliable delivery, and swift response.


I am convinced that the synergy of products and employees in the new constellation will significantly enhance our opportunity to serve our suppliers, customers, and partners.


The three subsidiaries have shared a close relationship for many years and will combine their product portfolio to bring the best of each into the new Kangamiut Seafood.


We hereby accelerate our mission to offer the right product for the right price, at the right time, and with an even stronger well known dedicated service.”


Rasmus Grønborg Bak,

CEO, Kangamiut Seafood A/S

“The merger is part of a long-planned generational transition and serves to ensure that, as a group, we are well-positioned to handle future demands and opportunities in areas such as environmental and social sustainability, governance, IT etc in a highly professional manner.”


Ulrik Bjerre Rasmussen,

CEO, Kangamiut Group A/S

For additional information, please contact Rasmus Grønborg Bak,, or Ulrik Bjerre Rasmussen,